Coupon codes and listing specials

Launching Special

Directory and accommodation listing

You will receive a 50% discount for the first year when you subscribe for a directory or accommodation listing. Your selected subscription will renew again after 365 days at the advertised yearly rate. Please note that this coupon code could be used for both the standard and featured listings and is not applicable to monthly subscriptions.

Coupon Code: c3jb6ryv
Validity: This offer is valid until 31 August 2021

directory coupon2
accomodation coupon2

10x Listing extensions

You will receive a 50% for all the 10x listing extension packages that runs for 365 days. Please note that this is not a subscription and only a once off payment. This coupon code may be used for all the vehicle, property and employment extension listings.

Coupon Code: uxdz9f97
Validity: This offer is valid until 31 August 2021

listing extensions coupon