Rent a gent

rent a gent southern cape and karoo

It might not be what you think it is but now that I got your attention. We all need the cooperation form willing and capable businesses and people, more so during these crazy times. The question is, where can I find that person or business that I could trust with my specific and personal needs?

Only going on face value or what someone says or write about themselves belongs to an era when people were doing business on a handshake, and that is long gone.

We are either all squeezed to make a buck or not to be squeezed out of one. Do people still enjoy what they do? Are they still taking pride in what they do? Do they still care for your interest and business as much as they care for themselves?

What exactly did business become, just to make money at your expense? Is there still hope to hold each other accountable in an honest and sincere way? How could we do that, where could we find straight forward, honest, and reliable people in business? Maybe there is, just hang on.

The internet and social media are flooded with information. Google search something and it instantly jump in your face as if attacking you for attention. Some advertisements are shouting louder than others, are they any better? Is this what it became, or are we use to it and now accepting it because everyone else does it this way?

Social media platforms, groups and pages are competing for space and attention. Even if you do not want to buy a second-hand vacuum cleaner, it asks your attention, even if you do not want to know about an old wreck only meant for serious buyers, you must take note, and it gets fixed permanently into your subconscious mind.

Trying to find only the things you need, the things you are interested in, the things that you want control over and decide what you want to search for has become nearly impossible without being bombarded by all the noise.

I can tell you the following, when you need a property or product photographer, call me, or a website developer, call me, a video editor, a substitute manager for guesthouses or hotels, call me, or even just a prostitute for good conversation, call me, but I am not going to.

What I will tell you about is an online platform with valuable information, private social networking, excellent products, reliable business and services, all at your fingertips. Altogether, like a treasure chest with valuable items well indexed, endorsed and guaranteed by individuals and businesses.

Southern Cape and Karoo Online is where you could find peace of mind, spread all over the Garden Route, the Central Karoo, and the Overberg. From Cape St Francis to Agulhas, from Beaufort West to Bredasdorp and everywhere in between.

It is a social platform with groups and forums for business and individuals to network and advertise their products and services, it is a directory for businesses and services, accommodation, property, vehicles, events, employment, deals and promotions. It has got all the modern bells and whistles for your business and service to be known and found, it offers the calm and trustworthiness rated by friends, clients, and customers.

Furthermore, it offers you an e-commerce platform to showcase your products with ease. No stress about websites, payment systems or marketing. Southern Cape and Karoo is a click away from a complete business and social marketing solution.

I could tell you about extras like promotional listings, appointment systems, collective Facebook and Google product marketing, smart algorithms and more but I am not going to. You may decide for yourself, look for yourself, take your time, browse around, search and discover. A treasure chest I said, a real treasure chest.

PS: Still looking for a gentleman to rent? Should you look for a photographer, website designer and developer, a substitute guesthouse and hotel manager or a prostitute for good conversation, call me.

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